Android Maps SDK Examples

Animate Image Source Layer

Learn to update Image Source & animate Runtime Map style layer.

Animate Symbol Layer

Learn to create & update custom symbols with Value Animator

Basic Location Tracking

Learn manual and auto location tracking. Handle permissions, camera change listener & tracking button.

Center Camera in Bounds

Learn to create custom polygon and center camera to given bounds and padding.

Custom Heatmap Layer

Learn to add and style a Heatmap layer to MapView with GeoJson source.

Custom InfoWindow

Learn to add a marker with a custom information window.

Custom Location Pulsing Symbol

Learn to customize Location Pulsing Style, permission handling and track current location.

Custom Map Style

Learn dynamic Map Style switching and and Location handling.

Custom Polygon Cluster

Explore MapView Polygon Clusters. Add & aggregate GeoJson clusters for efficient data handling.

Location Tracking Modes

Explore Location Tracking Modes: Learn to enable, switch & handle permissions in this MapView demo.

MapView CameraPosition Method

Learn to explore various CameraPosition Method (target, zoom, bearing and tilt) on MapView.

MapView Gestures detector

Learn to enhance your MapView interactions. Enable or Disable and Detect gestures with ease.

MapView Marker

Explore MapView Markers: Add in bulk, click to add markers and customize positions, titles & snippets.

MapView Polygon

Learn to add Polygon in MapView from a set of latitude,longitude. Add query, set stroke and colour.

MapView Polyline

Learn to add PolyLines from a set of latitude,longitude pair. Add stroke and colour to PolyLine for interactive maps.

Query Features in box

Learn to Query Features in box on MapView, with existing/custom layer ID & filter.

Simple MapView

Learn to display a simple map view with basic UI functionalities.

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