Custom Map Style
This example shows how to Switch Runtime Map Style
Location Permissions Handling
Switch Map Style using nextbillionMap.setStyle(new Style.Builder().fromUri(styleUrl))
Tracking Current Location Automatically when MapReady
For all code examples, refer to Android Maps SDK Code Examples
activity_location_layer_map_change.xml view source
CustomMapStyleActivity view source
This code is an Android application that demonstrates how to customize the map style and handle location permissions using the Nextbillion Maps SDK. Here's a summary of the code:
Initializing MapView:
- The MapView is initialized by calling mapView.onCreate(savedInstanceState).
Location Permissions Handling:
- The app checks if location permissions are granted using PermissionsManager.areLocationPermissionsGranted(this). If permissions are granted, the map is asynchronously loaded. Otherwise, the app requests location permissions using the PermissionsManager and handles the permission result in the onPermissionResult callback.
Switch Map Style:
- The app provides a floating action button (FAB) to toggle the map style. When the FAB is clicked, the toggleMapStyle() method is called. It gets the current map style using nextbillionMap.getStyle() and switches between a dark and light style by setting the new style using
- nextbillionMap.setStyle(new Style.Builder().fromUri(styleUrl)).
Tracking Current Location Automatically:
When the map is ready (onMapReady callback), the camera is positioned to a specific location and zoom level.
The map style is set to the light style, and the location component is activated using nextbillionMap.getLocationComponent().activateLocationComponent().
The location component is configured to use the default location engine and display a pulsing animation.
It is enabled and set to render mode COMPASS and camera mode TRACKING. The location component also listens for click and long-click events on the user's location.
- locationComponent.setLocationComponentEnabled(true);
- locationComponent.setRenderMode(RenderMode.COMPASS);
- locationComponent.setCameraMode(CameraMode.TRACKING);
Additional lifecycle methods are implemented to manage the MapView, including onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, onSaveInstanceState, onDestroy, and onLowMemory.