Bring your own route
Dynamically update and adjust selected routes based on user preferences and real-time conditions.
This example shows:
How to customize your RoutingProvider for NBNavigationSerivce
How to simulate your routing Progress with customized NavigatinOptions

For all code examples, refer to Navigation Code Examples
CustomRouteNavigationController view source
The code above creates a simple custom routing app using NbmapNavigation libraries. It consists of two classes: CustomRouteNavigationController and CustomRoutingProvider.
The CustomRouteNavigationController class is the main view controller that sets up the navigation:
It sets the origin and destination coordinates for the route.
It creates a NavigationRouteOptions object using the origin and destination.
It initializes a CustomRoutingProvider to provide custom routing services.
It calls the calculateRoutes function from the custom routing provider, passing the options and a completion handler.
When a route is received in the completion handler, it initializes a NBNavigationService with the calculated routes and settings.
It creates a NavigationOptions object with the navigationService.
It initializes a NavigationViewController and presents it.
The CustomRoutingProvider class is a custom implementation of the RoutingProvider protocol that uses NbmapDirections to calculate routes:
It implements the calculateRoutes function that takes a RouteOptions object and a completion handler.
It calls the calculate function from Directions.shared and returns a CustomRequest object with the URLSessionDataTask object.