Static Images API
The Static Images API serves standalone, static map images generated from styles. These images can be displayed on web and mobile devices without the aid of a mapping library or API. They look like an embedded map, but do not have interactivity or controls.
Center-based image
Request Parameter
Loading..Sample Request
Sample Image

Bounds-based image
Generates a raster image based on the given bounds.
Request Parameter
Sample Image

Auto-fitted image
Generates a raster image based on the given features. The area is calculated so that all the paths and markers given in the query are visible.
Request Parameters
Sample Image

API Error Codes
Response code | Description | Additional notes |
200 | Normal success case. | Normal success case. |
400 | Input validation failed. | There is a missing or an invalid parameter or a parameter with an invalid value type is added to the request. |
401 | APIKEY not supplied or invalid | This error occurs when the wrong API key is passed in the request or the key is missing altogether |
403 | APIKEY is valid but does not have access to requested resources | You might be querying for a geographical region which is not valid for your account, or requesting a service which is not enabled for you. |
404 | Requested host/path not found | This error occurs when a malformed hostname is used. |
414 | Request is too long | This error occurs when the URI is too long. Maximum allowed length is 8192 bytes. |
422 | Could not process the request | The requested tiles were not found. Please check the input request. Reach out to [email protected] if the issue persists. |
429 | Too many requests | QPM limit or API usage quota reached. |
500 | Internal Service error. | There was an internal issue with services. You can reach out to [email protected] for an explanation. |