Within the HTTP client module, you'll find a set of APIs designed for asset profile operations. These operations encompass essential tasks such as Asset creation, Asset profile updates, retrieving Asset details, and binding an Asset to the current device.
Additionally, the Asset tracking-related APIs offer a high degree of configurability. Users have the flexibility to configure these APIs both during the SDK initialization process and at runtime. This configurability is achieved by passing values to the baseUrl
parameter in API invocations, allowing for dynamic adjustments to suit your application's needs.
The Asset Creation API
AssetTracking.instance.createNewAsset(assetProfile, callback, baseUrl)
takes in an AssetProfile object as parameter and call backend to create a new asset:
The customId can be provided from the user side (optional), if customId is provided, the user should make sure the value is unique. Creating a new asset with repeated customId will fail. Once an asset is created successfully we can get the assetId from the API response.
The Asset Profile Update API
AssetTracking.instance.updateAssetInfo(assetProfile, callback, baseUrl)
takes the updated AssetProfile object as a parameter, and a successful API call will update the asset profile in the backend. The successful response will be Void type.
The Get Asset Detail API
AssetTracking.instance.getAssetInfo(callback, baseUrl)
will get the detailed information of the current binding asset, including the device ID of current binding:
The Bind Asset API
AssetTracking.instance.bindAsset(context, assetId, callback, baseUrl) takes the current assetId as a parameter and will generate a random deviceId and store it locally if not generated before. A successful bind API will bind the current assetId with the device. Only after binding to a device, the user could start data tracking.
Two devices cannot bind on the same assetId simultaneously
The later device performs binding API will kick off the first device
The device with kicked off assetId will stop data tracking (if applicable), and if SDK initialization setting is clear cached location data in this case, all the unuploaded local location data will be cleared as well.
When the device is still tracking, using the bind asset API to bind to a new asset ID is not allowed
When unuploaded data remains in the local cache, it is not permitted to use the
bind asset
API to associate it with a new asset ID.
The Force Bind Asset API
AssetTracking.instance.forceBindAsset(context, assetId, callback, baseUrl) takes the current assetId as a parameter and will generate a random deviceId and store it locally if not generated before. A successful bind API will force bind the current assetId with the device. Only after binding to a device, the user could start data tracking.
Same as Bind Asset Api:
Two devices cannot bind on the same assetId simultaneously
The later device performs binding API will kick off the first device
The device with kicked off assetId will stop data tracking (if applicable), and if SDK initialization setting is clear cached location data in this case, all the unuploaded local location data will be cleared as well.
When the device is still tracking, using bind asset API to bind to a new asset ID is not allowed
However Force Bind Asset API will bind the device to a new asset ID regardless of local cache data size, and all unuploaded data will be cleared once bind is successfully