A service for calculating navigation between locations.
Can be accessed by nextbillion.maps.NavigationService if you load SDK by CDN url.



route(opt: NavigationRequest)


  1. opt: NavigationRequest A navigation query to be sent to the NavigationSerivce

Return Value: Promise<null|NavigationResult>

Request navigation between an origin and a destination.

Interface NavigationRequest

A navigation query to be sent to the NavigationSerivce


altCount Optional

Type: number

Sets the number of alternative routes to return. Default: 3 .
alternatives Optional

Type: boolean

If enabled, the API will return alternative routes.

You can set the number of routes in the altCount property. Note: altcount will default to 3 if this is enabled.
apiKey Optional

Type: string

api key for the request
approaches Optional

Type: Array<ApproachType>

A list indicating the side of the road from which to approach waypoints in a requested route. If provided, the number of approaches must be one more than the number of waypoints.
avoid Optional

Type: Array<AvoidType>

Setting this will ensure the route avoids ferry, tolls or highways.
bearings Optional

Type: Array<NavigationBearingInfo>

Limits the search to segments with given bearing in degrees towards true north in clockwise direction.

Note: Number of bearings should be equal to the number of coordinates.
departureTime Optional

Type: number

This parameter sets the departure time in Unix epoch time seconds format. Unit: seconds. PS: This parameter is only supported in premium plan.
destination Optional

Type: LngLatLike

Destination is the ending coordinates of your route. Ensure that destination is a valid land location.

[This parameter is mandatory IF geometry parameter is not given]
geometry Optional

Type: string

If this parameter is provided, the only other parameters which will be considered in the request are geometry_type , lang and key . The rest of the parameters will be ignored.
geometryType Optional

Type: GeometryType

Sets the output format of the route geometry in the response. Default: polyline6 .
lang Optional

Type: string

language of the text instruction
mode Optional

Type: TravelMode | string

A parameter which which sets the transportation mode for the route. PS: Only the 4w/car profile is enabled by default. The other customised routing profiles are only supported in premium plan.
origin Optional

Type: LngLatLike

Origin is the starting point of your route. Ensure that origin is a valid land location.

[This parameter is mandatory IF geometry parameter is not given]
overview Optional

Type: OverviewType

Output verbosity of overview (whole trip) geometry. Default: full .
session Optional

Type: string

Unique session ID. If set, the response will reuse cached trip characteristics. PS: This parameter is only supported in premium plan.
waypoints Optional

Type: Array<LngLatLike>

Waypoints are coordinates along the route between Origin and Destination. This is a pipe separated list of coordinate pairs.

Default maximum limit is 200

Interface NavigationResult

The navigation response retrieved from the navigation server.


country_code Optional

Type: string

error_msg Optional

Type: string

error message if status is not 200.
routes Optional

Type: Array<NavigationResponseRoute>

routes calculated.

Type: NBRequestStatus | string

A string indicating the state of the response. This is a separate code than the HTTP status code. On normal valid responses, the value will be Ok.

Interface NavigationResponseRoute



Type: number

route driving distance.

Unit: meters
distance_full Optional

Type: number


Type: number

route driving duration.

Unit: seconds
end_location Optional

Type: { latitude: number,longitude: number }

end location of route
geojson Optional

Type: { coordinates: Array<Array<number>> }

geometry Optional

Type: string

encoded geometry value for step in polyline or polyline6 .

Type: Array<NavigationResponseLeg>

legs of route.

Note: waypoints split route into legs
special_objects Optional

Type: any

special geospatial objects crossed along the trip.
start_location Optional

Type: { latitude: number,longitude: number }

start location of route

Interface NavigationResponseLeg



Type: { value: number }

leg driving distance.

Unit: meters

Type: { value: number }

leg driving duration.

Unit: seconds
end_location Optional

Type: { latitude: number,longitude: number }

start_location Optional

Type: { latitude: number,longitude: number }


Type: Array<NavigationResponseLegStep>

Interface NavigationResponseLegStep



Type: { value: number }

leg driving distance.

Unit: meters

Type: { value: number }

leg driving duration.

Unit: seconds

Type: { latitude: number,longitude: number }

geojson Optional

Type: { coordinates: Array<Array<number>> }

geometry Optional

Type: string

intersections Optional

Type: Array<StepIntersections>

maneuver Optional

Type: StepManeuver

name Optional

Type: string

reference Optional

Type: string


Type: { latitude: number,longitude: number }

Interface NavigationBearingInfo



Type: number


Type: number

Constants ApproachType

CURBroute will arrive at the waypoint on the driving_side of the region
UNRESTRICTEDroute can arrive at the waypoint from either side of the road

Constants AvoidType

FERRYAvoid ferry in route.
HIGHWAYAvoid highway in route.
TOLLAvoid toll in route.

Constants TravelMode

The transportation mode for the route.

AUTOdefault mode, same as car
CARcar mode
TRUCKtruck mode

Constants GeometryType

Output format of the route geometry.

GEOJSONGeojson format geometry.
POLYLINEPolyline format geometry.
POLYLINE_6Polyline6 format geometry.

Constants OverviewType

FALSENot include overview in result
FULLInclude full info in oveview
SIMPLIFIEDOnly inlude simplified info in overview

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