The Map
object represents the map on your page. It exposes methods
and properties that enable you to programmatically change the map,
and fires events as users interact with it.
You create a Map
by specifying a container
and other options.
Then Nextbillion GL JS initializes the map on the page and returns your Map
Name | |
Map | new Map(options: MapOptions) Parameters
Name | Type |
repaint | boolean |
showCollisionBoxes | boolean |
showOverdrawInspector | boolean |
showPadding | boolean |
showTileBoundaries | boolean |
version | string |
vertices | boolean |
Method | |
addControl | addControl(control: IControl, position: ControlPosition) Parameters
Return Value: Map Adds an IControl to the map, calling control.onAdd(this) . |
addImage | addImage(id: string, image: ImageBitmap | ImageData | HTMLImageElement | StyleImageInterface | { data: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray,height: number,width: number }, options: Partial) Parameters
Return Value: Map Add an image to the style. This image can be displayed on the map like any other icon in the style's sprite using the image's ID with icon-image ,background-pattern ,fill-pattern ,or line-pattern .A Map.event |
addLayer | addLayer(layer: CustomLayerInterface | { source: string | SourceSpecification }, beforeId: string) Parameters
Return Value: Map Adds a Nextbillion style layer to the map's style. A layer defines how data from a specified source will be styled. Read more about layer types and available paint and layout properties in the Nextbillion Style Specification. TODO: JSDoc can't pass |
addSource | addSource(id: string, source: SourceSpecification) Parameters
Return Value: Map Adds a source to the map's style. |
addSourceType | addSourceType(name: string, SourceType: any, callback: Callback) Parameters
Return Value: void Adds a [custom source type](#Custom Sources), making it available for use with Map#addSource . |
areTilesLoaded | areTilesLoaded() Return Value: boolean Returns a Boolean indicating whether all tiles in the viewport from all sources on the style are loaded. |
calculateCameraOptionsFromTo | calculateCameraOptionsFromTo(from: LngLat, altitudeFrom: number, to: LngLat, altitudeTo: number) Parameters Return Value: CameraOptions Calculates pitch, zoom and bearing for looking at |
cameraForBounds | cameraForBounds(bounds: LngLatBoundsLike, options: CameraForBoundsOptions) Parameters
Return Value: CenterZoomBearing |
easeTo | easeTo(options: CenterZoomBearing, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Changes any combination of center , zoom , bearing , pitch , and padding with an animated transitionbetween old and new values. The map will retain its current values for any details not specified in options .Note: The transition will happen instantly if the user has enabled the reduced motion accesibility feature enabled in their operating system,unless options includes essential: true . |
fire | fire(event: string | Event, properties: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map |
fitBounds | fitBounds(bounds: LngLatBoundsLike, options: FitBoundsOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Pans and zooms the map to contain its visible area within the specified geographical bounds. This function will also reset the map's bearing to 0 if bearing is nonzero. |
fitScreenCoordinates | fitScreenCoordinates(p0: PointLike, p1: PointLike, bearing: number, options: FitBoundsOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Pans, rotates and zooms the map to to fit the box made by points p0 and p1 once the map is rotated to the specified bearing. To zoom without rotating, pass in the current map bearing. |
flyTo | flyTo(options: FlyToOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Changes any combination of center, zoom, bearing, and pitch, animating the transition along a curve that evokes flight. The animation seamlessly incorporates zooming and panning to help the user maintain her bearings even after traversing a great distance. Note: The animation will be skipped, and this will behave equivalently to jumpTo if the user has the reduced motion accesibility feature enabled in their operating system,unless 'options' includes essential: true . |
getBearing | getBearing() Return Value: number Returns the map's current bearing. The bearing is the compass direction that is "up"; for example, a bearing of 90° orients the map so that east is up. |
getBounds | getBounds() Return Value: LngLatBounds Returns the map's geographical bounds. When the bearing or pitch is non-zero, the visible region is not an axis-aligned rectangle, and the result is the smallest bounds that encompasses the visible region. |
getCanvas | getCanvas() Return Value: HTMLCanvasElement Returns the map's <canvas> element. |
getCanvasContainer | getCanvasContainer() Return Value: HTMLElement Returns the HTML element containing the map's <canvas> element.If you want to add non-GL overlays to the map, you should append them to this element. This is the element to which event bindings for map interactivity (such as panning and zooming) are attached. It will receive bubbled events from child elements such as the <canvas> , but not frommap controls. |
getCenter | getCenter() Return Value: LngLat Returns the map's geographical centerpoint. |
getContainer | getContainer() Return Value: HTMLElement Returns the map's containing HTML element. |
getFeatureState | getFeatureState(feature: FeatureIdentifier) Parameters
Return Value: any Gets the state of a feature.A feature's state is a set of user-defined key-value pairs that are assigned to a feature at runtime.Features are identified by their attribute, which can be any number or string.Note: To access the values in a feature's state object for the purposes of styling the feature, use the feature-state expression. |
getFilter | getFilter(layerId: string) Parameters
Return Value: none Returns the filter applied to the specified style layer. |
getLayer | getLayer(id: string) Parameters
Return Value: StyleLayer Returns the layer with the specified ID in the map's style. |
getLayoutProperty | getLayoutProperty(layerId: string, name: string) Parameters
Return Value: any Returns the value of a layout property in the specified style layer. |
getLight | getLight() Return Value: any Returns the value of the light object. |
getMaxBounds | getMaxBounds() Return Value: LngLatBounds Returns the maximum geographical bounds the map is constrained to, or null if none set. |
getMaxPitch | getMaxPitch() Return Value: number Returns the map's maximum allowable pitch. |
getMaxZoom | getMaxZoom() Return Value: number Returns the map's maximum allowable zoom level. |
getMinPitch | getMinPitch() Return Value: number Returns the map's minimum allowable pitch. |
getMinZoom | getMinZoom() Return Value: number Returns the map's minimum allowable zoom level. |
getPadding | getPadding() Return Value: PaddingOptions Returns the current padding applied around the map viewport. |
getPaintProperty | getPaintProperty(layerId: string, name: string) Parameters
Return Value: unknown Returns the value of a paint property in the specified style layer. |
getPitch | getPitch() Return Value: number Returns the map's current pitch (tilt). |
getPixelRatio | getPixelRatio() Return Value: number Returns the map's pixel ratio. |
getRenderWorldCopies | getRenderWorldCopies() Return Value: boolean Returns the state of renderWorldCopies . If true , multiple copies of the world will be rendered side by side beyond -180 and 180 degrees longitude. If set to false :- When the map is zoomed out far enough that a single representation of the world does not fill the map's entire container, there will be blank space beyond 180 and -180 degrees longitude. - Features that cross 180 and -180 degrees longitude will be cut in two (with one portion on the right edge of the map and the other on the left edge of the map) at every zoom level. |
getSource | getSource(id: string) Parameters
Return Value: Source Returns the source with the specified ID in the map's style. This method is often used to update a source using the instance members for the relevant source type as defined in Sources. For example, setting the data for a GeoJSON source or updating the url and coordinates of an image source. |
getStyle | getStyle() Return Value: StyleSpecification Returns the map's Nextbillion style object, a JSON object which can be used to recreate the map's style. |
getTerrain | getTerrain() Return Value: TerrainSpecification Get the terrain-options if terrain is loaded |
getZoom | getZoom() Return Value: number Returns the map's current zoom level. |
hasControl | hasControl(control: IControl) Parameters
Return Value: boolean Checks if a control exists on the map. |
hasImage | hasImage(id: string) Parameters
Return Value: boolean Check whether or not an image with a specific ID exists in the style. This checks both images in the style's original sprite and any images that have been added at runtime using Map#addImage . |
isEasing | isEasing() Return Value: boolean |
isMoving | isMoving() Return Value: boolean Returns true if the map is panning, zooming, rotating, or pitching due to a camera animation or user gesture. |
isRotating | isRotating() Return Value: boolean Returns true if the map is rotating due to a camera animation or user gesture. |
isSourceLoaded | isSourceLoaded(id: string) Parameters
Return Value: boolean Returns a Boolean indicating whether the source is loaded. Returns true if the source withthe given ID in the map's style has no outstanding network requests, otherwise false . |
isStyleLoaded | isStyleLoaded() Return Value: none Returns a Boolean indicating whether the map's style is fully loaded. |
isZooming | isZooming() Return Value: boolean Returns true if the map is zooming due to a camera animation or user gesture. |
jumpTo | jumpTo(options: JumpToOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Changes any combination of center, zoom, bearing, and pitch, without an animated transition. The map will retain its current values for any details not specified in options . |
listImages | listImages() Return Value: none Returns an Array of strings containing the IDs of all images currently available in the map. This includes both images from the style's original sprite and any images that have been added at runtime using Map#addImage . |
listens | listens(type: string) Parameters
Return Value: any Returns a true if this instance of Evented or any forwardeed instances of Evented have a listener for the specified type. |
loadImage | loadImage(url: string, callback: GetImageCallback) Parameters
Return Value: void Load an image from an external URL to be used with Map#addImage . External domains must support CORS. |
loaded | loaded() Return Value: boolean Returns a Boolean indicating whether the map is fully loaded. Returns false if the style is not yet fully loaded,or if there has been a change to the sources or style that has not yet fully loaded. |
moveLayer | moveLayer(id: string, beforeId: string) Parameters
Return Value: Map Moves a layer to a different z-position. |
off | off(type: T, layer: string, listener: Function) Parameters
Return Value: Map Removes an event listener for layer-specific events previously added with Map#on . |
on | on(type: T, layer: string, listener: Function) Parameters
Return Value: Map Adds a listener for events of a specified type, optionally limited to features in a specified style layer. |
once | once(type: T, layer: string, listener: Function) Parameters
Return Value: Map Adds a listener that will be called only once to a specified event type occurring on features in a specified style layer. |
panBy | panBy(offset: PointLike, options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Pans the map by the specified offset. |
panTo | panTo(lnglat: LngLatLike, options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Pans the map to the specified location with an animated transition. |
project | project(lnglat: LngLatLike) Parameters
Return Value: Point Returns a Point representing pixel coordinates, relative to the map's container ,that correspond to the specified geographical location. |
queryRenderedFeatures | queryRenderedFeatures(geometry: PointLike | , options: any) Parameters
Return Value: none Returns an array of MapGeoJSONFeature objects representing visible features that satisfy the query parameters. |
querySourceFeatures | querySourceFeatures(sourceId: string, parameters: { filter: Array<any>,sourceLayer: string,validate: boolean }) Parameters
Return Value: none Returns an array of MapGeoJSONFeature objects representing features within the specified vector tile or GeoJSON source that satisfy the query parameters. |
redraw | redraw() Return Value: Map Force a synchronous redraw of the map. |
remove | remove() Return Value: void Clean up and release all internal resources associated with this map. This includes DOM elements, event bindings, web workers, and WebGL resources. Use this method when you are done using the map and wish to ensure that it no longer consumes browser resources. Afterwards, you must not call any other methods on the map. |
removeControl | removeControl(control: IControl) Parameters
Return Value: Map Removes the control from the map. |
removeFeatureState | removeFeatureState(target: FeatureIdentifier, key: string) Parameters
Return Value: Map Removes the state of a feature, setting it back to the default behavior.If only a target.source is specified, it will remove the state for all features from that source.If is also specified, it will remove all keys for that feature's state.If key is also specified, it removes only that key from that feature's state.Features are identified by their attribute, which can be any number or string. |
removeImage | removeImage(id: string) Parameters
Return Value: void Remove an image from a style. This can be an image from the style's original sprite or any images that have been added at runtime using Map#addImage . |
removeLayer | removeLayer(id: string) Parameters
Return Value: Map Removes the layer with the given ID from the map's style. If no such layer exists, an error event is fired. |
removeSource | removeSource(id: string) Parameters
Return Value: Map Removes a source from the map's style. |
resetNorth | resetNorth(options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Rotates the map so that north is up (0° bearing), with an animated transition. |
resetNorthPitch | resetNorthPitch(options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Rotates and pitches the map so that north is up (0° bearing) and pitch is 0°, with an animated transition. |
resize | resize(eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Resizes the map according to the dimensions of its container element.Checks if the map container size changed and updates the map if it has changed. This method must be called after the map's container is resized programmaticallyor when the map is shown after being initially hidden with CSS. |
rotateTo | rotateTo(bearing: number, options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Rotates the map to the specified bearing, with an animated transition. The bearing is the compass direction that is "up"; for example, a bearing of 90° orients the map so that east is up. |
setBearing | setBearing(bearing: number, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the map's bearing (rotation). The bearing is the compass direction that is "up"; for example, a bearing of 90° orients the map so that east is up. Equivalent to jumpTo({bearing: bearing}) . |
setCenter | setCenter(center: LngLatLike, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the map's geographical centerpoint. Equivalent to jumpTo({center: center}) . |
setEventedParent | setEventedParent(parent: Evented, data: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Bubble all events fired by this instance of Evented to this parent instance of Evented. |
setFeatureState | setFeatureState(feature: FeatureIdentifier, state: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the state of a feature.A feature's state is a set of user-defined key-value pairs that are assigned to a feature at runtime.When using this method, the state object is merged with any existing key-value pairs in the feature's state.Features are identified by their attribute, which can be any number or string.This method can only be used with sources that have a attribute. The attribute can be defined in three ways:- For vector or GeoJSON sources, including an id attribute in the original data file.- For vector or GeoJSON sources, using the promoteId option at the time the source is defined.- For GeoJSON sources, using the generateId option to auto-assign an id based on the feature's index in the source data. If you change feature data using map.getSource('some id').setData(..) , you may need to re-apply state taking into account updated id values.Note: You can use the feature-state expression to access the values in a feature's state object for the purposes of styling. |
setFilter | setFilter(layerId: string, filter: FilterSpecification, options: StyleSetterOptions) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the filter for the specified style layer. Filters control which features a style layer renders from its source. Any feature for which the filter expression evaluates to true will berendered on the map. Those that are false will be hidden. Use setFilter to show a subset of your source data.To clear the filter, pass null or undefined as the second parameter. |
setLayerZoomRange | setLayerZoomRange(layerId: string, minzoom: number, maxzoom: number) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the zoom extent for the specified style layer. The zoom extent includes the minimum zoom level and maximum zoom level) at which the layer will be rendered. Note: For style layers using vector sources, style layers cannot be rendered at zoom levels lower than the minimum zoom level of the source layer because the data does not exist at those zoom levels. If the minimum zoom level of the source layer is higher than the minimum zoom level defined in the style layer, the style layer will not be rendered at all zoom levels in the zoom range. |
setLayoutProperty | setLayoutProperty(layerId: string, name: string, value: any, options: StyleSetterOptions) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the value of a layout property in the specified style layer. |
setLight | setLight(light: LightSpecification, options: StyleSetterOptions) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the any combination of light values. |
setMaxBounds | setMaxBounds(bounds: LngLatBoundsLike) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets or clears the map's geographical bounds. Pan and zoom operations are constrained within these bounds. If a pan or zoom is performed that would display regions outside these bounds, the map will instead display a position and zoom level as close as possible to the operation's request while still remaining within the bounds. |
setMaxPitch | setMaxPitch(maxPitch: number) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets or clears the map's maximum pitch. If the map's current pitch is higher than the new maximum, the map will pitch to the new maximum. |
setMaxZoom | setMaxZoom(maxZoom: number) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets or clears the map's maximum zoom level. If the map's current zoom level is higher than the new maximum, the map will zoom to the new maximum. |
setMinPitch | setMinPitch(minPitch: number) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets or clears the map's minimum pitch. If the map's current pitch is lower than the new minimum, the map will pitch to the new minimum. |
setMinZoom | setMinZoom(minZoom: number) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets or clears the map's minimum zoom level. If the map's current zoom level is lower than the new minimum, the map will zoom to the new minimum. It is not always possible to zoom out and reach the set minZoom .Other factors such as map height may restrict zooming. For example, if the map is 512px tall it will not be possible to zoom below zoom 0 no matter what the minZoom is set to. |
setPadding | setPadding(padding: PaddingOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the padding in pixels around the viewport. Equivalent to jumpTo({padding: padding}) . |
setPaintProperty | setPaintProperty(layerId: string, name: string, value: any, options: StyleSetterOptions) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the value of a paint property in the specified style layer. |
setPitch | setPitch(pitch: number, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the map's pitch (tilt). Equivalent to jumpTo({pitch: pitch}) . |
setPixelRatio | setPixelRatio(pixelRatio: number) Parameters
Return Value: void Sets the map's pixel ratio. This allows to override devicePixelRatio .After this call, the canvas' width attribute will be container.clientWidth * pixelRatio and its height attribute will be container.clientHeight * pixelRatio . |
setRenderWorldCopies | setRenderWorldCopies(renderWorldCopies: boolean) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the state of renderWorldCopies . |
setStyle | setStyle(style: string | StyleSpecification, options: StyleOptions) Parameters
Return Value: Map Updates the map's Nextbillion style object with a new value. If a style is already set when this is used and options.diff is set to true, the map renderer will attempt to compare the given style against the map's current state and perform only the changes necessary to make the map style match the desired state. Changes in sprites (images used for icons and patterns) and glyphs (fonts for label text) cannot be diffed. If the sprites or fonts used in the current style and the given style are different in any way, the map renderer will force a full update, removing the current style and building the given one from scratch. |
setTerrain | setTerrain(options: TerrainSpecification) Parameters
Return Value: Map Loads a 3D terrain mesh, based on a "raster-dem" source. |
setTransformRequest | setTransformRequest(transformRequest: RequestTransformFunction) Parameters
Return Value: Map Updates the requestManager's transform request with a new function |
setZoom | setZoom(zoom: number, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Sets the map's zoom level. Equivalent to jumpTo({zoom: zoom}) . |
snapToNorth | snapToNorth(options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Snaps the map so that north is up (0° bearing), if the current bearing is close enough to it (i.e. within the bearingSnap threshold). |
stop | stop() Return Value: Map Stops any animated transition underway. |
triggerRepaint | triggerRepaint() Return Value: void Trigger the rendering of a single frame. Use this method with custom layers to repaint the map when the layer changes. Calling this multiple times before the next frame is rendered will still result in only a single frame being rendered. |
unproject | unproject(point: PointLike) Parameters
Return Value: LngLat Returns a LngLat representing geographical coordinates that correspond to the specified pixel coordinates. |
updateImage | updateImage(id: string, image: ImageBitmap | ImageData | HTMLImageElement | StyleImageInterface | { data: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray,height: number,width: number }) Parameters
Return Value: Map Update an existing image in a style. This image can be displayed on the map like any other icon in the style's sprite using the image's ID with icon-image ,background-pattern ,fill-pattern ,or line-pattern . |
zoomIn | zoomIn(options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Increases the map's zoom level by 1. |
zoomOut | zoomOut(options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Decreases the map's zoom level by 1. |
zoomTo | zoomTo(zoom: number, options: AnimationOptions, eventData: any) Parameters
Return Value: Map Zooms the map to the specified zoom level, with an animated transition. |