MapView Marker
This example shows how to add a marker on the NGLMapView.
User long-press to select points.
Add a marker on the NGLMapView
Provide delegate methods to set properties of the Marker, such as color and width.
Provide delegate methods to handle user gesture events, such as selecting and deselecting the marker.
Provide delegate method to customize the marker image
For all code examples, refer to Maps Code Examples
MarkerViewController view source
The code provided is an implementation of a MarkerViewController that manages a map view with custom marker annotations. Here's a summary of the code:
Initialization of MapView: The code initializes an instance of NGLMapView and assigns it to the nbMapView property. The map view is configured with flexible width and height, added as a subview to the view controller's view, and the map view's delegate is set to the view controller.
Custom Marker View:
The code provides functionality for adding custom markers to the map view. When the user taps on the map view, a marker is added at the tapped location. The existing markers are removed before adding the new marker. Each marker is represented by an NGLPointAnnotation object with a title, subtitle, and coordinate.
The maker's image is set using the imageFor annotation delegate method, which returns a custom marker image. The code also includes delegate methods for handling events related to marker selection and callout views.
mapView(_:didFinishLoading:): Called when the map view finishes loading its style. It sets the initial camera position using an NGLMapCamera.
mapView(_:didDeselect:): Called when one of the annotations is deselected.
mapView(_:didSelect:): Called when one of the annotation views is selected.
mapView(_:imageFor:): Returns an NGLAnnotationImage to display for the given annotation. In this case, it returns a marker image with a specific identifier.
mapView(_:annotationCanShowCallout:): Returns a Boolean indicating whether the annotation should show a callout.
mapView(_:calloutViewFor:): Returns a custom callout view to display for the given annotation.
mapView(_:leftCalloutAccessoryViewFor:): Returns the left accessory view for the standard callout bubble.
mapView(_:rightCalloutAccessoryViewFor:): Returns the right accessory view for the standard callout bubble.
mapView(_:calloutAccessoryControlTapped:): Called when the user taps on an accessory control in the annotation's callout view.
mapView(_:tapOnCalloutFor:): Called when the user taps on the body of the callout view.